Epiphany Gifts for Goodworks

Christmas isn’t over until the Wise Men arrive with their gifts for the Christ child. You can be a Wise Man, or Woman, this year by choosing a card from the Epiphany tree in the front of the church and bringing in a gift for our Goodworks community initiative tool box. The Goodworks initiative, a join project of Christ Church Ithan and St. Martin’s church, is completely volunteer driven and runs on a budget of $0; so filling our supply box is key to us being able to help families in our community with basic household projects. If you would like to know more about Goodworks, please help yourself to a brochure in the narthex. If you would like to be part of Goodworks, contact Christ Church Ithan and one of our coordinators will be in touch to tell you how you can be help with this important community outreach project.