
Good Works

Through our Good Works initiative, our congregation helps local families or community organizations with maintenance activities such as cleaning up houses, painting, tidying up gardens, etc.

Find out more about Good Works.


Stand With Iraqi Christians

The mission of Stand With Iraqi Christians is to support, through friendship and material aide, the right of Christians and their communities in Iraq to survive and thrive. SWIC grew out of an initiative in our partner congregation, St Martin's Church in Radnor.


Reading With Radnor Police

Initiated in 2017, Reading With The Radnor Police is a summer reading program done as a collaborative effort between Christ Church, Ithan and the Radnor Police Dept. It’s geared toward kids who are preschool to youth ages, giving them an opportunity to interact with local law enforcement members in a positive, learning environment.

The program includes reading, snacks, and question-and-answer with police, often including a tour of police vehicles or a visit from the K9 unit.


Ardmore Food Pantry

We are proud to support the Ardmore Food Pantry based at St Mary’s Episcopal Church in Ardmore, PA. Food collections are accepted in our church at any time, and we also have targeted food drives at specific times of the year such as Thanksgiving or Christmas.


Southern Poverty Law Center

The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the SPLC works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality. 

Christ Church Ithan donates some of our outreach income to the SPLC.


Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society

HIAS Pennsylvania continues to work to create a welcoming and secure environment for immigrants and their families from any ethnic, cultural, or religious background.

Christ Church Ithan donates some of our outreach income to HIAS.